French Buttermilk Cupcakes with Cookie Dough Frosting

french buttermilk cupcake

It is a truth universally acknowledged that there are very few problems in the world that good, raw cookie dough can’t solve. If you’re a female the chances are that you have already discovered this fact. Bad day? Cookie dough. Hard test? Cookie dough. Hangover? Cookie dough. Break up? Cookie dough, ice cream, and booze. See the pattern? Yes I knew you would.

If we’re being honest here, I crave it all the time regardless of my mood. Sure, sometimes I desperately need some cookie dough to get me through a rough patch and heal some emotional wounds after a particularly long day or sad movie or what have you. And I need cookie dough the most when I remember that I can never have “normal people” cookie dough again. And those of you who can’t eat gluten know how icky gluten-free cookie dough can be if you’re using the wrong flour or buying the wrong refrigerated gunk. The best solution to this problem I’ve found is to make some cookie dough flavored buttercream – and believe me when I say it’ll make you forget your dieting woes. Whether you can or can’t eat gluten, this stuff is delicious. And super sweet, just so you can say I warned you.

This is a good recipe and even though I complain constantly (not in real life, mostly just here on the interweb-ether thing) it shuts me right up. You don’t need gluten. I don’t need gluten! I have this buttercream and a good ole cupcakes beneath it.

Here’s something I learned after baking an entire batch of these cupcakes though: buttermilk doesn’t absorb very well into the gluten-free flours (Thanks, America’s Test Kitchen). So if you would like to adapt these and make them even better gluten-free cupcakes than I did, I suggest using milk, almond milk, etc. The best way to do it is add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice then enough milk to reach a cup.

Other than the milk thing and using gluten-free flour in place of regular flour, I used this recipe and I remember making them pre-gluten/buttermilk fiasco and they were just fabulous. And this buttercream! It’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of, I promise.

gf french buttermilk cupcake

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